Building Technical Experts
CMG is fully committed to finding and investing in high aptitude candidates to develop into “Day One Ready Resources”. The process is simple but very strict when it comes to meeting our standards.
We find candidates using specific criteria that strongly correlates to producing day one ready resources. Using AI, ML, and NLP we analyze thousands of resumes and identify well-qualified candidates from the top collegiate computer science programs and invite them to explore joining our team.

The screening process requires the candidate to meet our initial criteria, pass the necessary skills assessments, and successfully interview with our mentoring team.
They will also need to validate all transcripts and pass a background check.
Transcript validation includes a college degree, cumulative grade point average, major grade point average, SAT or ACT scores, active development projects (i.e., GitHub).
A demonstrated passion for technology and learning
We rank all candidates based on the information gathered during the “Screening” process.
After the screening process is complete, we review the candidates for selection.
We determine who will be most successful in the program.
If their attitude and aptitude is a match they will have the opportunity of a lifetime.
We send an offer letter and get them scheduled for the start of our training program.

We use machine learning to determine the most in demand skills.
We structure or re-structure the curriculum to align with the skills in the highest demand on the market.
The training they receive within three to five (3-5) months will change their lives forever.
During each training cycle they will be tasked with taking training, obtaining certifications, and building demonstrations to present to the team. This allows them to demonstrate how to apply the skills learned.
They are mentored and trained to develop the necessary soft skills required to contribute immediately and effectively on a fast-paced DevOps/Agile team.
Our resource will interview with the customer via presentation and demonstration of their practical skills.
We use this approach to prove to our customers that our resources have and can demonstrate, their proficiency, presentation, and organizational skills.
After our mentors have determined that the resource is ready to be effective with our Fortune 500 customers, they will be placed in a position to accelerate their career as an automation engineer.